
We have compiled these resources to help you in your time of need. If you have further questions, you can call us at (949) 295-9671, or contact us here.

  • Personalized Gifts

    Personalized Gifts

    It's important to take the time to acknowledge the uniqueness of the deceased: the individuality of their personality, and the uniqueness of their life's path. Not just for them, but for you; it affirms the relationship, and leads to healing after loss. Honoring their life is truly an act of love – for the both of you.

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  • Personalized Memorial Art

    Personalized Memorial Art

    Reflecting On Memories is proud to offer our families another first.  Our art incorporates names, inspirational verses and imagery that represents a life’s passion. NFL fan? Proud veteran?  With over 800 choices, we are sure to find just the right thing for memorializing your loved one or for a special gift.

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  • Camp Erin & the

    Camp Erin & the

     We can help turn those tears to smiles with our special Tribute Blankets that are over 6' tall and have over 8 miles of thread.  We use your photos to create a keepsake.

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  • The Heroes Tribute Project

    The Heroes Tribute Project

    Our country has always paid tribute to our fallen heroes in monuments throughout our great land. We believe each individual sacrifice should be recognized. We consider it a privilege to present a personalized tribute to the families of those heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty.  YES WE HONOR HEROES.

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